RIP Democracy

In no uncertain terms shall today go down as anything other than the death of democracy in New Zealand. Personally this is one of the most depressing days ever.

Let me make this clear and loud (because there are some really fucking dumb people out there justifying these actions).

Removing the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED people’s representatives, replacing them with one’s own cronies, with no set date for the return to elections, makes this Government’s actions no different from that of the Fiji Coup leaders.

Commodore Rodney Hydemarama and Nick Smith have fucked the people of Canterbury, they have treated democracy with complete and utter contempt, and thus have fucked the people of NZ.

All the bleating and tears from the right during the previous Labour government pale into minuscule insignificance compared to these actions.

But these aren’t the only people’s representatives they’ve fucked. The Polytechnic’s have had this same treatment.

So there you go NZ, the govt you deserve (you have obviously all been very naughty people to deserve this shit).

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Filed under Confused, National Bullshit, National Stupidity, stupidity

Are you taking the piss?


With TV3 dedicating 4 live journalists and 15mins, while TVOne more live ‘on the spot’ journos and 18mins to the Backon Flu Hysteria, is there any wonder with the above headline.

Stuff and NZ Herald also hang your head low, your reporting has been shit.

Meanwhile the 2 Scottish (see it’s global now) people with Porker flu have or are recovering, they had it mild. National Radio in it’s 8min round up of the Pandemic (no it’s not yet) reported poor old Debbie from the North Island somewhere isn’t going to her friends wedding in a part of Mexico 2000km away from the outbreak, poor Debbie, you’ll be pleased to hear she’s still off to the US for a holiday.

FFS Media stop taking the piss and scaring the people, you are collectively an embarrassment.

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Filed under disinformation, Media Fools, Media Hysteria, stupidity

TVNZ Goodbye

“Is that a moustache on his head”?

Today is the day that I finally part ways with TVNZ, and more specifically Breakfast. Paul Henry apart from being the most arrogant self opinionated cunt on television in the world (makes the FOX tv guys look like liberals), today they stooped so low to have that zelot Wishart on with his bullshit book ‘Air Con’.

They wouldn’t have a Holocaust denier on the show but they have this fuck with and his climate change denial line. Ian Wishart is a national disgrace.

Bye Bye TVNZ, can’t even say it’s been nice. P Henry fuck off this planet please, the world needs a little respect not your cunty arrogant vile shite day after day. Why the fuck didn’t Josh Cronfeld reach through the lens of the camera and twat you one, the world wanted it.

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Filed under Confused, disinformation, economics, Hot Air, Politics, stupidity

Breaking News: You will not die from Bacon Flu, unless…

You are stupid enough to follow the news on TV and believe any of the shit they tell you.

13 people died on our “Killing Field” Roads (how fucking insulting is that to the Vietnamese people) this weekend, 0 died of bacon or porker flu. 13 died from smoking today, tomorrow and the next day…

Get some bloody perspective and don’t believe the hype. Yes be wary, but that snivel you have isn’t the beginning of the end, it’s a fucking cold.

One thing health officials can confirm, is that there will be saturation TV coverage of someone dying in Mexico – FFS how many starving kids die of Malaria everyday, that’s fucking curable and highly contagious.

Here we bloody well go again, might get some videos I’ve been meaning to catch up on for a while, OneNews and 3News are off the menu for a while, mmmmm bacon butties though, YUM,

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Filed under Confused, disinformation, Hot Air, Media, Politics, stupidity

(Un)Super Dorkland

No Maori direct representation – OMGFG. But I guess that’s what happens when the Hall Monitor ACT (Association of Cunts and Tyrants) Local Govt Minister gets involved. The largest Polynesian City in the world will have a white middle aged male council – mark my words.

Could I possibly ask WTF is the point of a Royal Commission, thousands of submissions and the Govt makes it’s own daft policy on this?

Good luck Auckland you are going to fucking well need it.

Memo to Auckland, don’t take us down with you please, we are actually all right down here.


Filed under Confused, economics, Hot Air, John Key, National Bullshit, National Stupidity, Policy, Politics, stupidity

Angernui – the town with no h(ope).

Following on from my simple request to the Mayor of Whanganui to reconsider his council’s decision to correct the spelling of the cities name how does a Mayor respond?


thank you for you time in writing, but our council has made….

Yours …

Don’t be so bloody hopeful, this is the entire text of the response from the Mayor.

You’re an idiot. Go lecture someone else with your stupidity.

Nothing else. No yours….

Very classy Michel aws, not bad for a Mayor that can’t spell it’s name correctly, or is this what you could expect from a very angry confused life long moaning politician.

So sorry Whanganui, you good people deserve so much more.


Filed under Hot Air, Policy, stupidity

it is Whanganui – no debate.

Open letter to Mic( )ael Laws and more or less the whole city of Whanganui.


some time ago when I was a young ideological student in the late 1980’s I watched with absolute horror at the country and it’s frenzy to keep the Homosexual Law Reform Bill from passing. So fervent was the opposition, that nearly 80% of the country was opposed to the bill, hundreds of thousands of people signed the petition – so impassioned was the opposition they even managed to get Mickey Mouse to sign the petition. This was a moral campaign.

Skip a couple of years watching a Spike Lee movie. The most memorable moment in the movie to me was when the father was teaching the son that the most important thing in the world is respect. Respect for fellow human beings leads to greater understanding and empathy. Despite all of the racial mayhem going on around them, the father was taking the time to teach the child this most wonderful and basic of human traits – respect.

Fast forward to Wanganui 2009. Same impassioned people, same fervent opposition, to yet another seemingly non issue. I care not one bit for your opposition to the name of the city being returned to it’s correct spelling. I care that the somewhat ‘majority’ of the people have been conned into thinking that disrespecting the local indigenous people is a good state to be in.

It is very simple, the name of the River and the city includes the H, without it, it is meaningless, further it is disrespectful. It says, we know this is how it should be spelt, but we don’t care, your language and mana whenua mean nothing to us. Just as Micael Laws without the H is meaningless, so is Whanganui.

I always mistook you for someone with a level of reason and intelligence, however seemingly backing oneself into a corner with no way out often results in intrenched opinions at the detriment of rational debate. The respect that I once held for you would easily be found again, if you showed the local IWI that very same respect and gave them their name back. Hundred year old injustices don’t need to be perpetuated in New Zealand 2009. Just as our elected officials took the less popular approach and bought Homosexuality into the public realm with dignity, as should the elected officials in the case of the correct spelling of the city Whanganui

Thank you very much for your time sir.


Filed under Confused, Culture, economics, Hot Air, Media, Policy, Politics

TV3 grow a brain

North Shore Mayor Williams is not the one who has imposed a 6c a litre petrol tax on the rest of us to pay for Auckland’s internationally embarrassing transport system.

As Mr Williams said on The Panel (against the astoundingly ill informed Michelle Boad – now there’s a surprise), that 4 years ago Auckland was given the mandate to come up with a solution to the embarrassment that is Auckland’s transport system. After cross party and cross council talks and negotiations, translated 4 years of hard work, Auckland did come up with a solution, only for the National Party ideologues to come in and scrap the plan.

A couple of things straight off the bat.

I thought National was the party that wanted less government in people’s lives – well except this case where they know better.
I thought National was the party that was going to lower taxes – well except for this case.

Auckland found it’s solution to it’s problems and the new government has come in with a juvenile stiffy and big balls and told Auckland that they know better – piss off.

Jesus good luck Auckland sorting this mess out, cap in hand to Central Government, least of all trying to deal with the increasingly insane John Banks. FFS what a complete cock-up. I’m now gonna pay for another fucking road in Auckland – what genius came up with that plan.

And TV3, he wasn’t the one that imposed the tax on the rest of us, so please don’t take the piss with such poor journalism.

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Filed under Confused, economics, Hot Air, Media, National Bullshit, National Stupidity, Politics

Mr Smith you naughty bugger

So not only did he turn up to a Select committee meeting and essentially gag the Chief Executive of a Government Department, he has been found to have lied to Parliament and hence the people, well allegedly.

Full story here on Stuff

What a complete pillack, so typical of the big balls “I can do anything’ attitude pervading this current government.

This along with Brownlee failing to know the correct procedures in Parliament, one does wonder what the fuck these wankers were doing for those 9 years in opposition – for it certainly wasn’t taking notes and learning anything.

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Filed under Confused, economics, Hot Air, National Bullshit, National Stupidity, Policy, Politics

NZ or Israel?

“Mr Key said the Government was taking the boyracer problem seriously and agreed with Ms Collins’ call for cars of offenders to be crushed.”

Awesome, will they do that with tanks? Easy isn’t it. Don’t like someone, send in the crushers.


(anyone got an election countdown web ticker?)


Filed under Crime, Hot Air, John Key, National Bullshit, National Stupidity

When is a conference not a conference?

Well it seems, when National is organising it.

Cancel a primary health conference as it’s not the ‘right economic climate’, but spend an afternoon at Ratana and all of a sudden there is money to run a Maori Jobs Summit. I wonder how self sufficient in terms of funding this summit will be?

I have no problem with a Maori Jobs Summit, but I also have plenty of time for a primary health conference.

Seems that National can’t even stick to it’s ideological dogma, these buggers are all over the place.

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Filed under Confused, economics, Hot Air

2nd conference cancelled – Big Brother knows best

Tony Ryall thinks that the government knows best when it comes to the merits of a conference, just as Sherif Paula Bennet has done.

Funny this is a government which I was under the impression that was meant to be less involved in peoples lives – you know that old slogan they supposedly live by, government out of your life.

National is every bit as hands on and intrusive as Labour, they just want to lie to you that they aren’t.


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Filed under Confused, economics, Hot Air, Politics

A dark fog has enveloped us

If you read only one thing today, read this.

As the title of one of his films states, “it’s all gone Pete Tong” over in the middle east.

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Filed under Confused, Hot Air

No problem with Cafe owner

As long as it’s not an every day occurrence, it was the Cafe owner’s prerogative to choose his political protest and turf out the two Israeli women. As for all of the crap that one of the women, Natalie Bennie, was saying “am I safe in this country?” what a load of bollocks!!! Safer here love than you are as an Arab child in Gaza at the moment because of your government.

Once again the slaughter of 333+ children is not acceptable in any circumstance – ever!

As for Ms Bennie “Someone has to put him in his place”, oh yeah would that be at the end of a barrel, go to another freaking cafe. Nice consilitary talk. What about “I understand his frustration, I’ll be going elsewhere in the mean time and maybe one day well be able to talk about this”, no no she wants to put him in his place. And what place would that be, second class arab citizen – crass talk my dear.

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Once again, Garth George please shut the F up

Funny that the bitter and twisted old christian wanker is happy that the NZ govt isn’t taking sides or talking too much about Israel, after all “its on the other side of the world”.

333 children dead and counting, I wonder what (if any) is Mr George’s tipping point for dead children?

I really really really hate the fact that The Herald still publishes this old fuckers thoughts, there hasn’t been one moderate or compassionate word from him for years, and how does that help the world?


Filed under Hot Air

Dumbass National MP of the Week…

Goes to (drum roll – or boos).

Maurice Williamson, for:

A, forgetting as a Minister of the Crown he has a national responsibility to act sensibly and moderately. When asked about the protests against Israel via the most visible Israeli in the country at the stage (a female Tennis player), he said in a very dismissive and off hand “oh for god’s sake she’s a tennis player, leave her alone”. Nice one minister, can we say the same for the 800 odd innocent people murdered by the Israeli government, “they’re innocent women and children, stop killing them?

The second comes from again his infinite wisdom, this time on the decision to ban Radar detectors. What is the point of a radar detector, to tell the driver of a car when there is a police radar in the area, slow down and you won’t get a ticket, otherwise you can speed. Oh no, according to the wisdom of this great one, radar detectors are there to “people use them to moderate their speed”. No you dumb ass, that is what the car speedo is there to do. Every car has one, it’s law they should have one, they tell you the speed. If you haid said of the car speedo “people use them to moderate their speed”, then I would have thought, you know he’s right. But oh no, seems this guy is racking up some record for being just one hell of a loudmouth wanker, because how’s this for a doozie of a reason why we shouldn’t ban radar detectors “I’m not sure that a Big Brother attitude is a good thing”.

Brilliant, I’ve invented a machine which will tell me when a cop is coming to my house, giving me enough time to hide my dope crop. Using his reasoning, this is a good thing. Sure I’ve broken the law, but as long as “big brother” doesn’t know that I’m breaking the law and I have a machine to cheat the law, then I’m ok.

His reasoning is, that you can cheat the law and that’s ok. Funny this in the same weeks that a national campaign on speeding has been undertaken – damm you big brother for telling us to slow down.

Jesus and there’s supposedly 3 more years of this crap, start the bloody revolution people,.

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Filed under Confused, Crime, Hot Air

Garth McVicar fuck off

“The impending release of convicted murder accessory Nichole Field shows how far the public has been duped into a false sense of security with the New Zealand justice system, a leading campaigner for change claims.”

SO how does he explain a record prison muster (more baddies being caught) and record prison sentences being given out, we are now up there with some of the most punitive western nations, yet this git is never happy.

This guy adds even less to the national debate about the justice system than I do, yet he’s apparently a national campaigner.

He’s not he’s a media hungry git who hates people. I’ve never heard one so called sensible suggestion from this guy, just ‘all baddies are evil’, ‘the judges are soft’, ‘criminals get away with everything’, blah blah blah.


Filed under Crime

Could make you vomit


Anyone spot the irony of this image?

If I was the organisers of the Parihaka Peace Festival, I’d be mighty pissed off that my banner was at the top of a page that was giving approval of the bombing of innocent men women and children.

It really fucks you off to think that even in NZ there are so many people with so much hate in their hearts and minds. When you honestly and truly believe statements like “They are not bombing civillian populations” then you have a warped and disturbed view of who and what are innocent civilian populations. And if you can reduce the whole nasty shit fight to a leftist UN cock-up, then you need to see a doctor quick.

Because if the image of a dead child’s arm emerging from the rubble of a house bombed full of innocent people doesn’t make you sick and bloody angry, you are unworthy of the title member of the human race – you are nothing more than a beast. I have two boys, 3 and 5 and this image makes me sick to my core – I still can’t look at it, even when I was uploading it.


There are no winners here, everyone looses.

Comments are off, as they will only piss me off. Head over to the blind and stupid pro Israeli Kiwiblog to put up with their vile bullshit on this topic.


Filed under Crime, Media, Policy, Politics


Ex Bank of New Zealand (whops that should be National Australia Bank subsidiary) chairman Kerry McDonald has got his knickers in a twist about Kiwibank.

“Kiwibank’s television ads denigrated the big banks for being Australian-owned. That is outrageous.”

Tough shit, it’s a fucking great bank and it sticks it to the Aussies. Our bank get it, not an Aussie bank. Signing up 2000 customers a week, hmm now that wouldn’t be because it has the best interest rates and is OUR bank would it?

Full sad story here.

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Filed under Confused, economics, Hot Air

Anyone keep count

Remember this is the party that was going to give you money in your back pocket, the party of tax cuts.


Workers to pay large increase in ACC levies from next year
6:14PM Tuesday Dec 16, 2008

The average worker will have to pay a 21 per cent increase in their ACC bill next year, rising from $658 a year to $799, ACC Minister Nick Smith said today.

So they’ve promised sod all in tax cuts with one hand and with the other hand, middle finger firmly raised they’ve already started taking.

Nice, remember you voted these wankers in – nice one, felling smug now are we, BTW how much is left in your back pocket?

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Filed under Confused, economics, Hot Air, Policy, Politics